
时间:2024-07-08 21:45:14浏览:100


1."Goal"通常用作名词,意为“(体育运动里)球门;进球;目标”,如Halland kicked the ball into the opponent's goal(在伤停补时阶段将球踢进对手的球门) in stoppage time.

Juventus scored three goals in the second half of the match(比赛下半场进了三个球).

You must set yourself several long-term achievable goals(为自己设定几个可实现的长期目标) and make unremitting efforts when you are young so that you can attain your goals (实现你的目标)and become a better man when you are old.

2.“Target”既可以作名词,也可以做动词。作名词时,意为“目标;指标;靶子”,如The sales team met its target last year (去年完成了目标)and got extra bonuses.

I have set targets for myself(给自己制订了指标) and hope to achieve them at the end of 2021.

Hospitals and parking lots are vulnerable targets for terrorist attacks(医院和停车场是易受恐怖分子袭击的目标).

His last shot missed the target(他的最后一次射击脱靶了).

"Target"做动词时,意为“把…作为攻击目标/批评对象;面向,针对”,如The ballistic missiles are targeted at Russia(这些弹道导弹以俄罗斯为攻击目标).

The chemical company is targeted by environment protection groups for its pollution(这家化学品公司因污染而成为环境保护团体批评的对象).

The new film targets lovers and couples(这部新电影以情侣和夫妻为目标观众).

3.“Aim”同样既可以做动词,也可以做名词。作动词时,常用搭配有aim at doing sth.和aim at/for sth. 意为“力争做到…”,如The enterprise is aiming for more profits(力争获得更多利润) this year.

The team leader is aiming at improving the morale of all team members(力求提升所有团队成员的士气).

常见搭配“be aimed at” 意为“目的是;旨在”,如The measures taken by the authorities are aimed at preventing the epidemic from spreading(旨在阻止流行病的传播).

此外,“aim”还有“瞄准”的意思,如The rifle was aimed at the suspicious stranger(步枪瞄准了可疑的陌生人). “aim”还可意为“对象是,针对…”,如The book is aimed at pregnant women.

"Aim"做名词时,意为“目标;瞄准”,如My mother went to Beijing in 2009 with the aim of finding a good job(我妈妈2009年去北京,目标是找到一个好工作).

The hunter's aim was good and he hit the wild boar with his first shot(这位猎人瞄得准,第一枪就打中了野猪).

4.“objective” 既可以作名词,又可以做形容词。作名词时,意为“目标;(望远镜或显微镜的)物镜”,如The prime objective of the video conference(视频会议的主要目标) is to discuss the budget of next year.

作形容词时,意为“客观的;客观存在的;(语法上)宾格的”,如A referee must be objective when making decisions about penalties in a football match(足球比赛中裁判做出判罚点球的决定时必须客观).

The police has no objective evidence (没有客观证据)to prove that the suspect is guilty.
